Is Membership for me?

Why does membership matter?


Church membership is about making a commitment and becoming a part of something bigger than yourself. In church membership we bind ourselves to one another for mutual love, encouragement, and accountability. We submit ourselves to the authority of Christ that he has handed to the leaders of his church. Church membership is a gift from Jesus to his people. As we come together under the leadership that Jesus has instituted, membership also enables us to work together to not only care for one another but to serve our community and the Kingdom of God around the world. Church membership is for the individual Christian, for the Body of Christ, for the community, and for the world.


Who should become a church member?


Scripture describes the Church as the Bride of Christ, it is the collection of people that Jesus has called to himself. So the church is for people that are in love with Jesus, who know their sin and their need for a savior and are convinced that Jesus alone is that savior. If Jesus is your only hope, then church membership is his gift to you. If you aren’t convinced that the claims of Jesus are true, if you haven’t responded to the gospel call in faith, if your ultimate hope in life and death lies somewhere else, then membership isn’t for you right now. If you’re still on the journey toward faith church membership isn’t for you but the church is. We hope you will come, get to know people, build relationships, learn about who Jesus is and walk with the church on the journey toward membership.


Is membership at Christ Pres for me?


There are many great churches in the Tulsa area so its reasonable to ask why you might choose Christ Pres. There are several factors to consider, have you prayerfully sought God’s will for you in your search for a church home? Has the Spirit of God led you and called you to CPC? Do our vision, values, and beliefs align with your own understanding of the message of Christ and the mission of his church? Have you found fruitful relationships with fellow believers at CPC? Are you willing and able to commit to engage in the life of the church? Are you prepared to make and keep our membership vows? If you think the answers to these questions might be yes then take a look at the process for becoming a member below and let us know you might be interested so we can talk to you about next steps.

Baptism, Baptismal Font, Church Membership, Covenant Community

The Membership Process

The process of becoming a member at Christ Presbyterian Church involves four things; participation in the Intro to CPC Class, a personal profession of faith in Christ, an interview with an elder in the church, and vows before the church body. We value this process in that it gives us an opportunity to know you more but also for you to get to know us more as you commit the life of our church body.



Learning Who We Are
The Intro to CPC Class is a four week class where we present to you who we are as a church.

We discuss the gospel, the Reformed faith, baptism, membership, the life in our church community, and ways you can be involved. Taking this class does not mean that you are intent on becoming a member. We welcome all who want to learn more about our church.

This class is a great opportunity for you to get to know our leadership team and for us to learn more about you and your family. The Intro Class is four consecutive weeks and takes place during the Sunday School hour at 9:30am


Membership is for Believers in Christ
We believe church membership is only for professing Christians. While our doors are open to all who come, church membership is not.

Being a member means that you are submitting to the authority of the church and committing to serve the mission of the church, ultimately under Christ’s headship. The church is described as one body with Christ as the head. So how can one be a member of a church without first submitting to Christ as their Lord and Savior?

While membership requires professed faith in Christ, serving and enjoying the life of our church does not. While you may be considering the claims of the gospel, yet remain skeptical, we encourage anyone to be a part of the life and service that happens at CPC.


Learning Who We Are
Each person that desires to become a member of our church will be interviewed by a church elder after completing the Intro to CPC Class.

The elder interviews are always low-key. They are an opportunity to learn more about you and to ask you a few questions about your faith and your commitment to the church. Upon completion of the interview and approval by the elders, you are officially a member of Christ Presbyterian Church.


Celebrating You Joining Our Church Family
Upon completion of the membership process we present new members to our church body. The process is simple - all we do is bring up you and your family during a service and ask you the same questions that you were asked in your elder interview.

This is an opportunity for the church to receive your commitment to them, but also for the church to receive you by vowing to commit themselves to you. The church is a family - at CPC we are a family that strives to be faithful to God’s Mission - and this can’t be done without committing ourselves to one another.